Writing Support

A comprehensive guide to all things related to writing

Writing Support Home

Welcome to the Writing Centre home page!


The Writing Centre provides free writing support to all Bow Valley College students.


Writing Support assists students with their academic writing. Our mission is to help you to improve your writing skills and to develop independent writers in all genres of academic writing.

Writing Support is located in the back (northwest corner) of the library (North Campus, 2nd floor). 

To access our services, make an appointment with a Writing Coach or attend one of our many workshops.

Writing Coaches can help you with:

         •  Understanding assignments

       •  Developing the stages of the writing process

       •  Reviewing assignments

       •  Providing resources to help you write

       •  Interpreting instructor feedback

       •  Citing and referencing

       •  Explaining writing concepts and fundamentals

Writing Coaches cannot help with:

       •  Providing extensions

       •  Editing or altering your work

       •  Guaranteeing an ‘A’ grade

       •  Conducting research

Our hopes and expectations for students:

Plan ahead and have specific questions ready to ask us. Prior to submitting an assignment for review, please check it independently.

After you receive feedback, ensure that you leave enough time to revise and edit your paper. Then review the feedback and any resources provided and use them to revise your paper. Try and apply what you have learned to subsequent assignments.

*Please note that we will only review the same assignment twice.

Note regarding academic integrity:  Meeting with a Writing Coach does not guarantee that a student’s work is free from academic integrity issues. It is always the student’s responsibility to ensure they have met BVC's standards for academic integrity. Click HERE for more information about BVC's academic integrity policies.

You can connect with a Writing Coach by appointment or drop-in for any questions about your academic writing assignments.


For Appointments: Writing Support Hours - Summer 2024 Term (until first week of September)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Library 2nd floor

9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Library 2nd floor

9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Library 2nd floor



9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Library 2nd floor



9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Library 2nd floor

10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Library 2nd floor


 Drop-in sessions: Writing Support Hours - Summer 2024 Term (until first week of September)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Library 2nd floor

9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Library 2nd floor

9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Library 2nd floor

9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Library 2nd floor

9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Library 2nd floor

10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Library 2nd floor

Please note that we are closed on Sundays and statutory holidays. 

You can book a 30-minute appointment with a Writing Coach. This will be a one-on-one meeting to discuss any questions you have about an upcoming assignment or general concerns about academic writing in English. Each student can book a maximum of 1 session per day and 2 sessions per week. 

Appointments are made on a first-come, first-served basis and be aware that they fill up fast during the busiest times of the semester (around Reading Week). If you feel that you cannot make it to your scheduled appointment, please cancel it so that another student can take your slot.


You can choose to meet with a Writing Coach in an online MS Teams appointment or in-person in the northwest corner on the second floor in the Bow Valley College Library. 


Make an Appointment - Writing Support - LibCal - Bow Valley College 


If you select an online (MS Teams) appointment, you must:

1. Choose a day and time for the appointment that fits your schedule.

2. Fill out the form with your information. Please use your correct @mybvc.ca email address!

3. Check to see that you have received a confirmation email for the appointment.

4. Wait for a Writing Coach to contact you through MS Teams on the scheduled date. Be ready to share your files or screen during the meeting.


If you select an In-person appointment, you must:

1. Choose a day and time for an appointment that fits your schedule.

2. Fill out the form with your information. Please use your correct @mybvc.ca email address!

3. Check to see that you have received a confirmation email and for the appointment.

4. Arrive on time for your scheduled writing support appointment in the Library of the North Campus at Bow Valley College.


Please note: It is important to arrive for an in-person appointment with the writing you would like to review, or with specific questions you may have about certain aspects of writing. Supplying your writing may be done by bringing a printed copy or by sharing the file in a Teams call. It may also work well to attach your assignment while booking your appointment by uploading it in the box which prompts you to "Upload your assignment here" on the booking page. 

Have a quick writing question? Drop in with a Writing Coach! 


To connect with a Writing Coach, click on "Ask Us" from the Library homepage or this page. Library staff will help you get in touch with a Writing Coach for immediate support.

Please note that drop-in support is available during Writing Centre hours of service and is subject to Coach availability. Library staff will inform you if a Writing Coach is available for drop-in assistance.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Library 2nd floor

9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Library 2nd floor

9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Library 2nd floor

9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Library 2nd floor

9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Library 2nd floor

10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Library 2nd floor

Frequently Asked Questions

There are two FAQ sections: one for students and (further down the page) one for staff and instructors.


For Students:

Q: Where can I get help with my assignment?

A: The Writing Centre has Writing Coaches who provide one-on-one writing support, either online through MS Teams or in-person in the library.

Q: How do I book an appointment with a Writing Coach?

A: Click HERE to schedule an online or in-person appointment. Students can also go to the library and sign up for an appointment using the iPad, located in the Writing Centre area in the library, or scan the Writing Support QR code, also located in the Writing Centre area.

Q: How does Writing Support work?

A: You will have a one-on-one meeting to discuss any questions you have about an upcoming assignment or general concerns about academic writing in English. Each student can book a maximum of 1 session per day and 2 sessions per week. Our goal is to support your development as a confident writer and editor of your work.

Q: What do Writing Coaches help with?

A: Writing Coaches can help you with:

        •  Understanding assignments

      •  Developing the stages of the writing process

      •  Reviewing assignments

      •  Interpreting instructor feedback

      •  Providing resources for learning

      •  Citing and referencing

Q: What can’t Writing Coaches help with?

A: Writing Coaches cannot help with:

     •  Providing extensions

     •  Editing or altering your work

     •  Guaranteeing an ‘A’ grade

     •  Conducting research

Q: What are our expectations for the student?

A: Plan ahead and have specific questions and/or work material with you. When writing your assignment, ensure that you leave enough time to revise your paper once it is returned.

After you receive feedback, review it and any resources provided and use them to revise your paper. Try and apply what you have learned to future assignments.

Q: Does my assignment need to be completed before I can book an appointment with Writing Support?

A: No, Writing Coaches can help you at any stage of the writing process, from brainstorming and outlining, to drafting and revision. We can also help with general questions and concerns around academic writing.

Q: I don’t have an appointment. Can I still meet with a Writing Coach?

A: Students are strongly encouraged to book an appointment because Writing Coaches can get extremely busy throughout the semester. However, students can drop by the library and speak with a Writing Coach to see if they are available. Sometimes there is also a Peer Writing Coach available on the second floor of the library who does not require an appointment. 


For Staff and Instructors:


Q: Where is Writing Support located?

A: Writing Support is located inside the library, on the second floor, in the northwest corner.

Students can click HERE to schedule an online or in-person appointment. Students can also go to the library and sign up for an appointment on the iPad, or scan the Writing Support QR code, both located in the Writing Centre area of the library (2nd floor).

Q: What kind of help does Writing Support provide?

A: While instructors assist students specifically with course-based learning and writing-related issues, Writing Coaches help students at any point in the writing process from understanding the assignment, to the final copy, to interpreting instructor feedback. Writing Coaches assist students with writing-specific issues. Our goal is to teach and provide writing strategies that can be adapted to different courses, students, and contexts.

Q: Do Writing Coaches and Peer Writing Coaches edit student papers?

A: No. We do not fix student papers. Instead, we focus on the student as a writer and work to provide them with the tools they need to develop as writers.

Q: Can you help students with grammar?

A: Due to time constraints when evaluating an assignment, we address students' grammar within the context of the paper and focus on instructional points that would be more beneficial for the student. For example, if a student faces challenges in formulating a thesis statement, substantiating their ideas, or organizing their essay, our attention will be directed towards addressing these specific issues.

We address grammar when:

                •  The student’s grammar actively interferes with clarity.

      •  Other writing concerns are not an issue (i.e., when the paper satisfies all the other macro concerns).

If a student books a Writing Support appointment with the intention to learn a grammar component, we will help them with their query.

Q: How can I help my students make the most of their Writing Support visit?

A: You can help your students to make the most of their Writing Support appointment by:

      •  Encouraging them to book appointments in advance. Our schedules fill up quickly.

      •  Asking them to visit us early in the writing process. We love to help with brainstorming and planning!

      •  Advising them to come prepared with specific questions or areas of concern to provide a focus for their appointment.

      •  Reminding them that we cannot edit or write papers for them, nor can we guarantee a good grade. Writing Coaches will, however, teach effective writing principles so students become better writers.

Q: Does Writing Support offer in class visits or workshops?

A: A Writing Coach can visit your classroom in person or online to introduce our services or give a presentation on writing strategies.

We can:

      •  Deliver short class presentations about our services for 5 to 15 minutes.

      •  Deliver workshops on certain writing topics in 30- to 60-minute sessions. If you are interested in setting up a Writing Support workshop, please use our online workshop request form.

To book an in-class visit with a Writing Coach, fill out the form in the following link: Book an in-class visit

Q: Can instructors collaborate with Writing Support?

A: Absolutely! We want to hear from you. Collaborating with instructors is a great way to ensure that we're providing students with the best service possible. Please feel free to mention us in your course offering information and encourage your students to visit us.