Writing Support

Grammar Tips

The presentation in the above link gives a run down on dependent and independent clauses and outlines what every sentence needs in order to be a complete sentence. It then points out common errors in writing with a focus on run-on sentences and sentence fragments. Finally, there are some good tips on how to proofread your assignment before submitting it.

The above link takes you to a presentation on the different types of sentences including simple, complex, and compound sentences. It also, introduces the different parts of a sentence and common sentence patterns in English. There's a section on clauses, including dependent and independent clauses. Examples of coordinating conjunctions which are used to link different parts of a sentence together are given, as well as subordinating words which are commonly used at the beginning of dependent clauses. After studying this presentation, it is hoped that students will be better equipped to write a variety of proper sentences in English. 

The above link will take you to a Workshop presentation that was designed to introduce students to the eight main "parts of speech". Parts of speech refers to how English words have been categorized into different types. These main types are nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, pronouns, conjunctions, and articles. If you want to learn when and how to use these words correctly, then click on the link and have a look. 

One of the most common grammatical errors that students often make are with prepositions. Prepositions are words like 'to', 'from', 'by', 'in', 'with' and so on. Unfortunately, students often mix these up. Therefore, it is highly recommended that students check out this link which will take you to a set of workshop presentation slides on how to use prepositions properly. The workshop talks about the different types of prepositions, including prepositions of time and place, and teaches students when and how to use those. There's even a section on phrasal verbs which are preposition combinations. Feel free to try the exercises at the end, and if you want to know the answers to the exercises, you can book an appointment with a Writing Coach.

The above link will take you to a workshop PowerPoint presentation on the topic of punctuation. All types of punctuation are discussed within including commas, periods, parentheses, colons, semicolons and many more. Probably the trickiest ones to use are commas and semicolons, so be sure to read those sections. There are even some practice exercises at the end of the presentation and if you want to check your answers to those, you can book an appointment with a Writing Coach. 

In academic writing, it is important to know which words need to be capitalized and which ones do not. The above link will take you to a PowerPoint presentation that was prepared for a workshop on capitalization. It gives many different rules for when to capitalize a word and when not to. If you follow these rules it will improve the mechanics of your essay and make you a better writer overall.