Digital Literacy: Computer Skills, Netiquette & Internet Safety

Netiquette is a set of unofficial rules for good behavior and politeness followed by users of online and digital technologies such as the Internet, email, and chatrooms. Netiquette is derived from the word "etiquette," which refers to the general rules or conventions of correct and polite behaviour in social settings and situations. It is thus the practice of exercising polite and considerate behaviour in online contexts, such as Internet discussion boards and personal email.

Email is an important form of communication that is used in multiple contexts, from professional to personal. DO follow these rules and guidelines for proper email netiquette:


Composing Email

       • If you are sending an email to people at BVC, use your MyBVC email. 

       • If you are applying for a job or sending an email to a business, create and use a professional email.

        • Include a subject line, a proper opening and a closing line

        • Know your audience - for formal emails to colleagues or prospective employers, use polite and professional language

        • Be concise and proofread the text to make sure there are no grammatical or spelling mistakes

Sending and Responding to Email

        • Address all of the sender's questions or concerns

        • Confirm that the email of the recipient is correct

        • Be careful using the Reply to All button

              • If necessary, protect privacy of recipients by using the blind carbon copy (bcc) field

DON'T make these mistakes:

        • Writing in capital letters that MAKE IT SEEM LIKE YOU ARE SHOUTING

        • Opening emails or attachments from unknown or suspicious senders

        • Overusing the priority, high importance or receipt settings

        • Sending or forwarding personal or private information without the original sender's consent

        • Including unnecessary information or diverging from the purpose of the email

        • Using emoticons or abbreviations i.e. :) or "lol" unless writing informally to friends or family

        • Subscribing to unknown distribution lists


Video Resources:

Nothing is private on the Internet and many sites have the ability to archive or store your information. Your "digital footprint" is the data that you leave behind after interacting in online environments such as social media websites or discussion boards. Be cautious of personal material and information that is posted online by yourself or others. This is important as employers are increasingly using social media to evaluate and find potential employees.

When using social media websites, you should:

     • Check the privacy settings on websites such as Facebook

     • Confirm that your profile information is accessible only to the extent you choose

     • Do not accept people you do not know as "friends" on social media websites

     • Be careful when interacting or sharing information with other Internet users