Peer Tutoring

We offer drop-in Peer Tutoring for Math, Science, Writing, and Language.

Peer Tutoring is available in the RGO Library & Learning Commons (N240) on the second floor of the North Campus. Drop-in tutoring is on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

The Spring/Summer peer tutoring will start May 13, 2024 with the following hours:

Math and Science (Chemistry, Biology and Physics)

Monday - Friday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm


Monday - Friday: 10:00am - 2:00pm

Language (Listening, Speaking and Reading)

Monday - Friday: 10:00am - 12:00pm and 1:00pm - 3:00pm


*For Nursing Students* - our Math tutors can help with Mathematical Principles of Medication Administration (NURS 1301) and our Writing tutors can help with English Composition (ENGL 1201).


For more information, please email us or click on Ask Us on the library homepage.

Click here to request a peer tutor 



Preparation is key!

- Review your course outline, textbook and notes to identify areas that are causing you difficulty.

- Prepare specific questions or concepts you wish to address during your peer tutoring sessions.

- Be an active participant, ask questions and listen to suggestions

Class attendance is fundamental to your academic success!!

- Attend and participate in all your scheduled course classes.

- Take thorough notes and review.

- Complete all your assignments.

- Tutoring is not a replacement for class or study time.

Ultimately, the learning is yours!

- If you are struggling with your course, ask for help right away.

- Don't wait until the day before a test or just before an assignment is due to seek assistance